Triple Shooting in Humboldt Park Neighborhood Leaves One Dead, Two Injured

The victims are 16, 17, and 21-years-old.

Triple Shooting in Humboldt Park Neighborhood Leaves One Dead, Two Injured

HUMBOLDT PARK, CHICAGO - A violent shooting in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood left one teenaged male dead and two other males injured, authorities said.

Police said three young men were struck by gunfire at approximately 6:07 p.m. in the 800 block of N. Hamlin Avenue in the city's Humboldt Park neighborhood on the city's north west side.

The 16-year-old male victim was struck in the thigh and managed to self-transport to West Suburban Hospital. He was initially reported in unknown condition. The 17-year-old male victim suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and was transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital, where he was tragically pronounced dead. The third victim, a 21-year-old male, was struck in the back and transported to Stroger Hospital, where he was reported in good condition.

As of now, no offenders are in custody. Area detectives are actively investigating the case and are seeking any information that may help.

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