Indiana sheriff's deputy, Illinois suspect shot after chase

The suspect had an active warrant for his arrest for attempted murder that was issued Feb. 7, and was being pursued by officers in Illinois for a traffic violation just before 7 p.m. Friday when the chase entered Indiana.

Indiana sheriff's deputy, Illinois suspect shot after chase
Vermillion County Indiana Deputy Joey Wilson was identified as the officer who was shot by an Illinois murder suspect after a long police chase Friday night. | Photo: Vermillion County

DANA, Ind. — A western Indiana sheriff's deputy was recovering Saturday a day after being shot by an attempted murder suspect from Illinois following a pursuit, Indiana State Police said.

Vermillion County Deputy Joey Wilson, a five-year veteran, had surgery Saturday after suffering bullet wounds to a leg and foot, Sgt. Matt Ames said.

The suspect, Justin Henry, 46, of Urbana, Illinois, also had surgery Saturday, at an Indianapolis hospital, after he was shot by officers, Ames said.

Henry had an active warrant for his arrest for attempted murder that was issued Feb. 7 in Champaign County, Illinois, Ames said. It was not clear if Henry had an attorney who might comment on the allegations against him.

Henry was being pursued by officers in Illinois for a traffic violation just before 7 p.m. Friday when the chase entered Indiana, continued through the town of Newport and ended at a home on State Road 71 near Dana, Indiana, where Henry opened fire on officers and they returned fire, Ames said.

Henry entered a barn and then drove a farm truck through closed barn doors towards officers, who shot him before the truck came to a stop against a grain bin, Ames said.

Dana is 71 miles (114 kilometers) west of Indianapolis.

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