Home invader fatally stabbed by resident in Rockford

A man and a woman inside the home were able to block the door and prevent the intruder from entering, but the suspect broke out a window and began hitting one of the residents with a piece of lumber, police said.

Home invader fatally stabbed by resident in Rockford

ROCKFORD, Ill. — A man trying to force his way into a northern Illinois home died early Thursday after one of the residents there stabbed him, police said.

The man was trying to enter the home around 1:50 a.m., the Rockford Police Department said.

A man and a woman inside the home were able to block the door and prevent the intruder from entering, but the suspect broke out a window and began hitting one of the residents with a piece of lumber, police said.

As the suspect continued trying to enter the home, the male resident retrieved a kitchen knife and was able to strike the suspect in the area of his neck and a shoulder, police said. The suspect fled the scene but was found in the street outside, where he was pronounced dead.

The Winnebago County Coroner’s Office identified the suspect as 44-year-old Rockford resident Troyle Aube. He was pronounced dead at 3:30 a.m.

An autopsy performed on Aube showed that he died of stab wounds.

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